The Impact of Non-Open Sourced DApps


While more and more DApps are being developed in open-source, there are still plenty who aren’t following this trend, which may lead to certain risks.

Risks of Non-Open Sourced DApps
1. Credibility Concerns:

Open-source software typically holds higher credibility, as anyone can review its code. When a DApp is not open-sourced, users can not verify its internal logic and security, leading to potential doubts about its reliability.

2. Security Risks:

Non-open sourced DApps come with potential security risks. Without a transparent review process and community support, potential vulnerabilities and malicious features might remain hidden, posing potential risks to users.

3. Dependency Issues:

Non-open sourced DApps may employ external libraries or technologies, but users may not be aware of the security of these dependencies. This can make it difficult for users to assess the overall risk of the DApp and inadvertently increase their reliance on untrusted code and components.

4. Innovation and Improvement Constraints:

Open-sourced software encourages community involvement and innovation. When a DApp is not developed in open-source, users are unable to make improvements or submit suggestions themselves, limiting the ability to customize and enhance the application.

5. User Control:

Open-sourced software generally provides users with more control, allowing them to modify and customize according to their needs. Non-open-source DApps might restrict users' control over their code and functionality, making it hard to meet personalized requirements.

In summary, non-open sourced DApps may bring uncertainty, security risks, dependency concerns, and a lack of innovation and improvement capabilities to users. Open-source software is typically more favored by users because it offers transparency, verifiability, and opportunities for user participation.

How to Check if a DApp is Open-Sourced?

To determine whether a DApp's smart contract code is open-sourced, you can follow these steps:

1. Examine Documentation

Look for a link to the code repository on the DApp’s official website or in its documentation. Typically, information about the open-source code is provided here.

2. Search Code Repository

Utilize code hosting platforms like GitHub, GitLab, and others. Search using keywords related to the DApp’s name to see if a corresponding code repository exists.

3. Read Whitepaper

Check the DApp’s whitepaper or technical documentation. Sometimes, it will detail the open-source agreement and methods to access the code.

4. Use Blockchain Explorer

Look up the DApp’s smart contract address on the blockchain explorer. Some explorers display links to the corresponding code repository.

5. Contact Dev Team

Reach out directly to the DApp team. Inquire about the open-source of the smart contract code and how to access it.

Perform a Google search with the DApp’s name followed by “open source code.” This may lead you to relevant discussions or posts regarding its open-source status.

7. Examine Audit Reports

Verify the open source status through audit reports provided by code security audit companies. In summary, by collecting information from various sources, you can determine whether a DApp’s smart contract code is open source.

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