TON Believers Fund


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What Is The TON Believers Fund?

The TON (The Open Network) blockchain has introduced an innovative mechanism to strengthen its ecosystem and tokenomics through the TON Believers Fund, also known as The Locker. This groundbreaking initiative encourages users to lock their Toncoin (TON) into a dedicated smart contract, aiming to reduce the circulating supply, enhance token stability, and reward long-term commitment. 

By participating in The Locker, users not only contribute to the overall health and sustainability of the TON network but also benefit from attractive incentives, including yield rewards and exclusive access to future project developments within the ecosystem. This strategic approach fosters a loyal and engaged community, driving the continuous growth and robustness of The Open Network.

Core Mission Of The Fund

The core mission of the TON Believers Fund is to engage the community and stabilize the token’s economy. By encouraging participants to lock their TON tokens into a smart contract for a fixed period, the fund aims to reduce the circulating supply, thereby enhancing the stability and value of the token. This strategic approach supports the network’s growth by fostering long-term commitment from its participants. 

Additionally, the fund seeks to reward participants with potential incentives, creating a robust and loyal community. The initiative has successfully garnered significant attention, securing a substantial portion of the total TON supply, which underscores its impact and importance in the TON ecosystem.

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How The Fund Helps With The Tokenomics Of TON?

The TON Believers Fund plays a pivotal role in enhancing the tokenomics of TON by influencing supply dynamics and fostering a robust economic environment for the token:

1. Supply Management: By incentivizing participants to lock TON tokens into smart contracts for fixed periods, the fund effectively reduces circulating supply. This scarcity can potentially stabilize and increase the token's value over time.

2. Stabilizing Token Value: With reduced supply and increased demand from incentivized locking, the fund significantly contributes to maintaining price stability. Stable prices attract more investors and users, bolstering the token's market position.

3. Community Commitment: The fund promotes deep community engagement by encouraging long-term commitment from participants. By rewarding token locking, it incentivizes holders to contribute to network development and stability, fostering a loyal and active community.

4. Ecosystem Development: Through initiatives and incentives, the fund supports robust ecosystem growth. This includes funding projects, attracting developers, and promoting innovative TON token applications, expanding utility and adoption.

5. Enhanced Attention and Awareness: Fund activities typically draw substantial attention and interest within the crypto community, attracting new users and stakeholders to TON. This heightened visibility can lead to broader acceptance and widespread use of TON tokens, reinforcing their tokenomics.

The TON Believers Fund acts not only as a supply management tool but also as a critical driver of stability and sustainable development for TON tokens, laying a strong foundation for the ecosystem's future success.

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Participation And Support Of The Fund

Participation in the TON Believers Fund can be done through two main methods: deposits or donations, each requiring a minimum of 50 TON. What's particularly noteworthy is that both methods offer high flexibility and allow users to request refunds in case of input errors.

The fund receives robust support from key partners such as the TON Foundation, major investors, and early miners of the project. This support not only strengthens but is crucial in maintaining stability and fostering sustainable development of the TON network. In particular, the substantial amount of locked TON tokens in the fund represents a significant portion of the total supply, serving as clear evidence of the community's strong belief in the long-term value and potential of the project.

Participating in the TON Believers Fund is not just a means for users to contribute to the network's development; it's also an opportunity for them to demonstrate long-term trust and commitment to the future of TON.

Operation Of The TON Believers Fund

Community developers have introduced a groundbreaking Locker smart contract, offering TON holders the opportunity to lock their coins for an extended period: a total of 5 years, comprising a 2-year lockup followed by a 3-year vesting period. This unique contract design allows long-term holders to deposit TON tokens, while larger holders can contribute donations, which are distributed among depositors over time.

Through The Locker, users can either make deposits or contribute donations. The smart contract operates through distinct phases, each serving a crucial purpose:

Deposits are accepted until October 23, 2023. Subsequently, these coins will be securely locked within the smart contract for 2 years. Starting from October 12, 2025, both the deposited coins and a portion of the accrued rewards will gradually be distributed among all depositors over a span of 3 years. All contributions made will serve as rewards for those who participated in the deposit phase.

The unique advantage of this smart contract lies in its potential to increase the value of deposited TON tokens over time. By temporarily reducing the circulating supply, the contract aims to positively impact the TON price. For investors seeking to hold tokens long-term, this mechanism offers a profitable strategy akin to earning enhanced interest on bank deposits, but within the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

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