Количество ончейн-транзакций для ETC за последние 24 ч.
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Сравнение притока и оттока средств для ETC, чтобы определить рыночный импульс.
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Тип игроков, задающих импульс для ETC: киты, дельфины или рыбы.
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Ethereum Classic is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that can run exactly as programmed, without any possibility of downtime, censorship, or third-party interference. Ethereum Classic consists of a cryptocurrency (ETC), a blockchain ledger, and an ecosystem of applications and services that run on top of it. In short, Ethereum Classic provides a way to manage digital assets without intermediaries such as banks and other financial institutions. ETC allows writing, deploying and executing uncensorable smart contracts; it enables truly unstoppable programmable money. Ethereum Classic is a continuation of the original non-forked Ethereum (ETH) chain and exists to preserve the principle that "code is law".